

Most of us are pretty educated on the title "Karen" and all it implies, but just in case you haven't heard - Karen is the slang name given to women who are "perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal" according to Wikipedia.  Cranky and mean pretty much sum it up. (Apologies to all the lovely Karens out there...you are not your name!) 

It's become a term that no one wants to be associated as, and we would never describe ourselves in such a way.  Ultimately, no one believes they are a "Karen".

Bad news alert: Karen lives in ALL of us.  I had the flu a while back,  and truly, I don't normally have Karen tendencies.  However, a combination of exhaustion and sickness seemed to stir up a short tempered version of myself that normally outsiders are immune to.  Thankfully, the holy spirit filtered my mouth, but my untamed heart would've been the poster child for "Karen" herself. 

It dawned on me that the only difference between my normal self and the unleashing of the "Karen" within was self - control.  That's right. Same for you and everyone else reading this.  We are all one lapse in self control away from the "snap back, how dare you" monster none of us want to be known as.

Wouldn't you know self-control is one of the fruits of the spirit- one of the telling signs that you are chasing after Jesus. Hmmm...I don't know about you, but I 100% would rather look like Jesus than "Karen".